Monday, 4 April 2016

"What if I could generate electricity by trapping the free electrons in the atmosphere?" "What if I could send food via quantum mechanics?" "What if I could make a car that just needed air to move?'
Seems funny! But that is how my junior brother, Ralph Danquah thinks. He is always dreaming; trying to make sense out of every 'silly' idea that drops in his head.  Most at times, his ideas just get a spank, and then he shuts up about them. But getting much close to him, I realize he still holds on to those wild dreams and just won't talk about them. He is just not content with making the 90's in his exams, but really wants to apply; he wants to do something. He thirsts for a scientific revolution!

There are many students in the country like Ralph. There are many who after watching fiction movies, FEEL like, "all things are possible". Some spend days daydreaming about the future they will make if they had the ability to manipulate the world with science. 

I have always asked myself a very simple but important question. "Is that feeling right?"

The classical physicists could not easily accept Einstein's theories. Einstein could not easily accept the theories of quantum physics. This tells me, and it's obvious, it's not easy to break through a tradition, unless you believe in it so strong. Yes! the feeling is right!

I have two issues:
Can't anyone make these young ones believe in their wild dreams? 
Can't anyone make them understand that scientific revolution is possible? I address this to Africa!

The African child is only seen as a dreamer. Why?Because we have failed to acknowledge that it is our  responsibility to SHAPE the dreams. We have miscontrued the meaning of "SHAPE". It is not just to make him tow the lines of the current generation of science in Africa, nor making him maintain vague optimisms, but directing him to have a balance of the two, as we do our best to lead him to his ultimate best through practical education.

I was privileged to attend the Next Einstein Forum in Dakar, where scientists, engineers and technologists across the globe gathered to pursue the search for the next Einstein. It was a real passionate platform, and I realized that there were people who were ready to invest in the future of Science in Africa. My only hope is to see that passion from the NEF travel through Africa; where everyone in Africa will believe in our future; a future propelled by the solid wheels of science.

We indeed will see a New Africa. We will surely invest in it. But the present will have to do more. It should not be just about talking, but holding on to the passion; doing all we can to see it happen.


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